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Founded in 1997, IDP works with disadvantaged communities in rural Ethiopia to provide them with the basic services they need to help them fight the world’s biggest killer: poverty.

For a humanitarian organisation aiming to provide assistance which, directly or indirectly, helps to improve people's quality of life, it is essential that needs are not viewed in isolation but that they are addressed across a range of sectors and, therefore, we adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to poverty alleviation. 

Conscious of the drive and ambition often displayed by people faced with adversity, and their determination to make significant changes to their own social and material well-being, IDP is committed to empowerment and the support of local initiatives.  As well as targeting projects directly at those experiencing the effects of poverty, suffering and distress, efforts are focused on relieving the underlying causes by working with indigenous organisations to strengthen existing institutional capacity. 

There is no single formula for building local capacity, every situation is different and, in each case, an appropriate response is sought in relation to the particular need.  Support to established and emergent local organisations - and the empowerment of local people - is critical in bringing about effective and lasting change.  Close liaison with relevant line ministries and local government bodies ensures parallel rather than divergent paths are followed, and the resultant cooperation improves opportunities for success.

By providing support and development to local organisations working in partnership with IDP we can enhance local capability and capacity in the long term and provide mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of project work.  Overall, this model is more appropriate for the future as it places responsibility in local hands, instills a sense of ownership and maintains the inherent dignity of the people who are seen as providing their own solutions to the problems they face.

Developing local institutions with the capacity to plan and implement development projects is the single most important task in creating sustainable development.  Putting key decisions in the hands of local people is fundamental in our approach to development.  Community involvement in project identification, design and implementation is essential because, without this solid foundation of local commitment, there is no prospect of improvements being continued once financial and technical help from outside comes to an end.  Self-reliance has its roots in self-determination.




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